
In Saasu you can email Invoices, Purchases, Estimates, Payslips, Remittances and several other documents as an email/email with PDF attachment. Saasu isn’t a full email system in itself, nor is it designed to replace your own email system. However, for your convenience, it does enable you to email directly.

Email Archive – Important!

You can use Saasu to send a PDF of a transaction to a contact and keep a copy of what was sent. To do this, you simply include your email address in the BCC field (Blind Carbon Copy). A copy is then sent to the Bcc-specified email account when the email is sent to the customer. Create an email address for this purpose such as This email address then functions as an audit trail/repository for outgoing correspondence.

Emailing transactions from Saasu (setup)

You can email Sales, Purchase, Quotes and Statements from Saasu:

  1. Select View > Templates.
  2. Click the template name you wish to set up – It will open it in edit mode.
  3. Select the Email tab.
  4. Fill in the fields as required. Note that you can use the Merge fields link if you wish to auto-populate information in your emails.

Once you have created and saved the transactions, the Emailoption becomes available. You can use this to email directly from Saasu (instead of from your own email software). For example, you can send a sale to a contact while retaining a copy of what was sent by including your email address in the Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) field. When you do this, a copy is sent to the specified email account and you also have a record of the email in your own email program.

You can also email from your own email account – Click the Print/Save PDF icon link in the Sale or Purchase screen. (You will need to do this after you have created and saved the sale as the option won’t display until then). The PDF will load in Adobe Acrobat. You can save a PDF copy of the invoice to your computer and then email the PDF as an attachment on an email sent from your chosen email program.

Email Templates

You will need to set up your email template before emailing sales and purchases. To do this:

  1. Select View > Templates.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select your preferred template type.
  4. Enter the required details.
  5. Tick the checkbox at the bottom to make this template the default email template for this template type.
  6. To email a sale or purchase, you must have saved it first. Otherwise Saasu hasn’t generated the transaction completely. Once you have saved the sale or purchase, click Email PDF.

Saasu doesn’t send from your Email Account

The email invoice won’t save in your Sent Itemsfolder because the online accounting email function is completely independent of the email software on your hard drive (eg Microsoft Outlook Express). It has to be that way otherwise you would be tied to using a particular computer when doing your accounts and sending invoices via email using your online accounting file. However, you can use the BCC or CC field in the online accounting Email Invoice screen to easily keep a copy of this email. When you do this, you are effectively using an email account of your choice to store your emailed invoices.

For example, you can BCC a copy to so that the invoice you create and send via online accounting is stored in that mail file, which happens to be in Microsoft Outlook Express. It is important to ensure you back up your email file where you store these emails because the online accounting application doesn’t keep copies.

Sending via your Email Account

Saasu supports emailing an invoice directly from the online accounting engine, but you can also email from your own email account. To do this:

  1. Save the sale (in PDF format) to your computer desktop.
  2. Use your preferred email application to send this PDF to the customer.